Monday, September 13, 2010

Promethean Videos

Hi all, here are a couple of the Promethean Flipcharts that I have created and are absolutely free for anyone to use and or modify.

The first one is a 'Who wants to be a Millionaire' flipchart that focuses on Language Techniques which the students love. Even if they simply remember my bad impersonations of Eddy Mcguire they are learning without even knowing it and thats they best kind!

The second is one that I have used with great success that focuses on Visual Literacy in regards to Advertising and the representation of Women.

All of the Flipcharts that I have created are in the Gendrive/curriculum/Promethean. Please feel free to take, use or modify!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Tell me and i'll forget, show me and I may remember, involve me with Promethean and i'll understand!

Five Levels of IWB Pedagogy

  1. Chalk and talk.
  2. Showing a pre-prepared data show.
  3. Including interactive material.
  4. Students using the board interactively.
  5. Students learn by their interaction with each other within a whole class environment. The board is a vehicle for interaction.

(John Short - 'Raise the Pedagogical Bar')

This post is going to be focusing using the Promethean Activboards within the classroom for something more than a glorified projector or DVD player.

I am a HUGE believer in getting the students up out of their seats and actually doing something in the classroom and physically involving them in the learning that occurs rather than spending 50 minutes talking to them or having them regurgitate information from a text book. If students can link theoretical information to a physical activity or experience then I believe that their ability to retain that information is increased dramatically whether it is learning an instrument in music, picking up a skill in PDHPE, becoming molecules in science or performing in Drama, students who DO are students who remember. Granted, there are times where students need the quiet time to work but if we can utilize these boards then we can help them achieve their full potential.

I am also a member of 'Promethean Planet' which is Promethean's website that is dedicated to sharing their flipcharts worldwide and for FREE! If you are interested in checking out flipcharts for all stages and classes let me know and I will give you my log in codes.
I will also be putting all of my resources, and training flips charts on the Gen Drive (General Drive/Curriculum/Promethean).

Enjoy and as you can see I am pretty passionate about using the boards so any questions, just ask!

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Mobile Me

Hi all, this post will be focusing on how I have used 'iWeb' to develop units of work, share resources, and deliver pastoral care lessons to the students. Essentially the resources are accessible any where, any time, any place!
The beauty about using iWeb is that you do not need to publish the site to the internet, you can also publish it to a folder and then provide this to the students.
For example, I recently published the Year 9 'Persuade Me' unit to a folder and placed that folder on the assignments drive for the students to copy. This eliminates the need for the internet while still providing all the benefits.
You can see some of the things that I am doing by following the links below.
If you wish to view the folder version of the 'Persuade Me' unit simply follow the instructions below
1. Log on to the assignments satellite dish on your Mac
2. Double click on 'Handout'
3. Double click on 'English'
4. Then double click on 'Persuade Me' unit.
5. Now to navigate the page you must first of all click on the 'index html'.

Enjoy - any questions please don't hesitate to ask.